Terms & Conditions

Welcome to the Aideen Johnson School of Dance where children are given a space to be themselves and enjoy the fun of learning dance. Our aim is to have every student leave class every week with a smile on their face. 


The following are the terms and conditions of the Aideen Johnson School of Dance or “the DanceSchool”. As with all businesses, the following terms and conditions are necessary to ensure the smooth operation of the Aideen Johnson School of Dance and your attention is drawn to the “Fees/Terms of Payment” section. Term fees are to be paid in full before the start of the term. Payments must be made as outlined to guarantee your child(ren)’s place in the Dance School. A failure to pay within the specified timeframe means that your child(ren)’s place will be forfeited and offered to the next person on the waiting list.


The Dance/Gymnastic Term is 10 weeks but may vary in future terms.

• Term fees are to be paid before the start of the term.

• Fees are non-refundable if a child decides not to return to class after the second week. 

• Gymnastics and Dance classes are two different options with different teachers therefore you cannot swap fees for one class to another i.e. pay for dance and change to gymnastics or visa verse. These are separate classes, different teachers, rent, insurance etc.

• If a student is absent from class due to personal reasons, illness, covid 19, holidays. We cannot replace these classes in the future.


• Students are not permitted to use their mobile phones during class. 

• All students & parents must adhere to appropriate conduct and show respect for teachers/assistants at the Dance School. 

• Bullying and/or harassment in any form will not be tolerated (a copy of the complaints procedure is available upon request). 

• The Dance School has the right to accept students, has the right to turn down students and/or suspend a student’s membership if deemed necessary. 


• Dance attire and correct dance footwear must be worn at all dance classes. 

• Uniforms for dance are compulsory at the Dance School.

4yr&5yr Class: Purple leotard,(pink cardigan optional) pink tights and pink ballet shoes.

6yr-8yr Class: Purple Leotard, (pink cardigan optional) pink tights and black jazz shoes.

9yr+ Class: Black Leotard, black leggings/pants black jazz shoes.

Or and Aj School of Dance Tracksuit is suitable for any age group.

Gymnastics classes currently have no uniform please wear appropriate clothing no skirts or dresses with hair tied back.  

• Jewelry is not permitted at any class as it poses a health and safety risk.


• For food allergy reasons, food is not allowed at dance class, however, each student can bring 1bottle of water provided their name is clearly marked on the bottle. 

• It is important that students have used the toilet facilities before each class especially toddlers and the 4yr-5yr class. Please adhere to health guidelines when washing their hands. 

• All students should be comfortable with taking off and putting on their own leotards if a toilet break is needed and this should be practiced at home before class. 

• Please inform the teacher of any injuries prior to taking any classes. 

• If a student is absent due to a serious injury, a note from a medical practitioner is required before the student may return to class.


• The AJ School of Dance Show is held once a year. 

• It is not a requirement for students to take part, however, it is highly recommended as it is great for the student’s confidence and team bonding. 

• Most routines are done on a team basis so commitment to class and rehearsals is very important. 

• Attendance throughout the term is important for all students but especially students that are taking part in the Annual Dance Show and the Dance School reserves the right to exclude students who are not familiar with the routine due to absence. 

• There is a costume & rehearsal fee of €20 per student.

• The Annual Dance Show is a ticketed event usually €15per ticket advanced notice will be given when tickets are due to be released. Tickets are sold on a first come first serve basis. There is not an allocated amount per student.

• Parents/guardians are advised that tickets sell out within HOURS and to book tickets as soon as they are released to avoid disappointment.


• Dance exams are expected to be back in 2024 and held once a year. 

• Students are encouraged to take the annual exam to help them progress through the syllabus each year.